Puzzle #5

by Jim Sherman


A.   Alcohol made undrinkable

B.   Beatles song (4 wds)

C.   Having a decorative device to conceal curtainrods

D.   Type of care you may receive in a hospital

E.   Bubbly

F.   An unticketed passenger

G.   Servants

H.   Archbishop who calculated the Earth`s origin to
be in 4004 BC

I.   Self-reproach

J.   Greek historian

K.   The jilted woman from "Great Expectations"

L.   Book by Nietzsche (2 wds)

M.   Teeming

N.   Rouses

O.   A second-generation Japanese-American

P.   Olympic event

Q.   Beware of Greeks bearing these (2 wds)

R.   James Bond`s car (2 wds)

S.   A very serious type of decision (3 wds)

T.   Fay Wray costar (2 wds)

U.   Named

V.   Moron

W.   English folk song

X.   One contemptuous of police enforcement

Y.   Humorous classical musician (3 inits., 1 wd)

Z.   Nietzsche: "God _____" (2 wds)

AA.   Sequoia

AB.   A preventative from disease

AC.   Domesticated

AD.   A form of ocean life