Puzzle #29

by Jim Sherman


A.   Neuromuscular disorder

B.   Indigenous

C.   Forceful

D.   Question asked by SETI (4 wds)

E.   Disuse

F.   Dostoevski protagonist

G.   More than a road but less than a boulevard

H.   "The ____ is at hand" (Matt 3:2; 3 wds)

I.   What Lady MacBeth said in her sleep (4 wds)

J.   Communist sympathizer (2 wds)

K.   Breakfast cereal (2 wds)

L.   Cocktail cousin of the Old-fashioned (2 wds)

M.   Profession of W F Albright and Flinders Petrie

N.   Swan constellation

O.   Greek dramatist

P.   "Conservation of energy" is Newton`s first ____
(3 wds)

Q.   Longitudinally

R.   What keeps the Peloponnesus from being an island
(3 wds)

S.   Getty: "_____ but not the mineral rights" (6 wds)

T.   Own, recognize

U.   Turned over; perturbed

V.   Self-ignition (2 wds)

W.   Disposed to trifle

X.   Screenplay by Rod Serling (4 wds)

Y.   Apt name for many a lawyer (2 wds)

Z.   Controversial movie of 1988 (4 wds with The)

AA.   Eupemistically unemployed (3 wds)

AB.   "With malice ____"