Puzzle #134

by Jim Sherman


A.   Agatha Christie mystery (3 wds)

B.   Bond valuation term (3 wds)

C.   Comatose

D.   Behaved in a frenzied manner (2 wds)

E.   Love and romance (4 wds)

F.   ___________ organization

G.   Expressive

H.   Aides

I.   Emit; get rid of (2 wds)

J.   Jackson Browne song (3 wds)

K.   Marvel

L.   Hostage`s psychological phenomenon (2 wds)

M.   With some authority

N.   Two farthings

O.   Organization chartered by Queen Victoria (3 wds)

P.   A distant land, to ancient geographers (2 wds)

Q.   Earth scientist

R.   Strip joints (2 wds)

S.   Like a woman

T.   Eddy Duchin song (7 wds)