Get out the binoculars

by Kenneth Luker


A.   Kind of fever

B.   Method of elimination

C.   Accipiter gentilis: bird

D.   Loxodonta africana, e.g. (not a bird)

E.   Polish combatant

F.   Birds, characteristically

G.   Perching birds, 3 + 1 toes per foot

H.   Huge pelagic petrel

I.   Agitates, biblically

J.   Suppressed

K.   Threatening final offer

L.   Having a broken wing, say

M.   Famous Henry

N.   Red chicken

O.   Lie

P.   Early birder

Q.   Lodge supporters, typically

R.   Place to study ornithology, perhaps

S.   Wax-eating bird

T.   California Technology connection

U.   Forgotten

V.   Reach

W.   Winter range of avocets and stilts

X.   At the point of maximum force or vulnerability

Y.   Broke a promise

Z.   Spiza americana: bird

AA.   Prepare, as a turkey bird