Pontis defensor

by Martyn Crosby



A.   Rush about between turbulent extremities and push
suddenly (6)

B.   I help to reform a soldier in Greece (7)

C.   Headless lory swallows ancient gold coin, becoming
nondescript (8)

D.   Mr Yeats, troubled, evokes eminent skill. (7)

E.   Any shroud, correctly arranged, without water (9)

F.   Without rehash, hardheadedness, upset, became melancholic

G.   Sir escapes untidily boarish, getting around rearranged
room, finds a West African ruminant (8)

H.   A sage is troubled finding an African throwing
spear (7)

I.   Rebuff, missing brief reference, has nothing on
court jester (7)

J.   Object in question covers coroner`s court hearing (7)

K.   Squares, presumably dark, on Omar`s Checker-board (6)

L.   Ding-dong we led organized after fifty years together

M.   Sutras, rewritten, point to Paul`s origins (6)

N.   Synonymously steals from disturbed globes (4)

O.   Barnum encore hides a presiding spirit (5)

P.   Fail maiden starting Mississippi voyage (4)

Q.   Pawnee hides bristles (3)

R.   Cow herd disturbed for clam stew (7)

S.   Amass ethos at heart an attribute (5)

T.   Latin God, upset, consumed (4)

U.   Page central in stale affair (4)

V.   He ranted about a follower (8)

W.   You formerly presage gentleman farmers - or petty
officers (6)

X.   His Holiness briefly mixes it with last two out
of shindig, comes out on top (4)

Y.   Reconstructed honor got rectangular figure (8)

Z.   Hate so being confused and swallowed by rat to
regulate current (8)

AA.   Fen after being otherwise disposed bringing toward
the center, physiologically. (8)

AB.   Fifth warthog at center in opposition (6)

AC.   Thousand intoners, reorganized, at heart (9)

AD.   How lies the head that wears the crown, Richard? (6)

AE.   Irish ardent at heart, broke glass into singularly
small pieces (5)