Staccato stylist......

by Martyn Crosby CLICK HERE FIRST


A.   Hard water stirred up terrestrially bound (9)

B.   Haberdasher, beard removed, is upset to go over
familiar arguments (6)

C.   Stripped down Levantine gate determinedly rendered
ineffective (6)

D.   Theatrical appointment with fiancĂ©e (10)

E.   Gals wanted arrangement for vehicle carrying salty
liquid (5,5)

F.   Upset adherent at one time made of fine cord (8)

G.   Affirm others uncover insect (4)

H.   Indisputable! Disable take off to find data (5)

I.   Lolita`s abuser gets mixed up with a Commanding
Officer briefly, exhibiting talkativeness (9)

J.   In mudflat hesitate to find wood turners (6)

K.   I hear you kissed, with head thinly supported (9)

L.   Heartrending, ran away, all upset, having dispensed
justice (9)

M.   Partly cooked and inadequately planned (4-5)

N.   I hear stage direction for appearance of British
soldier removes the guts of the piece (10)

O.   Packet from Inkerman enclosed fur coat (4)

P.   In habit I replace article, Ionesco begins restraint

Q.   Innovative transcription of fawn legend (10)

R.   Sorted rearrangement addressing sins forgiven (6)

S.   Irish favorite recomposed we hide death (5-6)

T.   Stand up straight and listen carefully (9)

U.   Brashly earn inglorious hidden desire (8)

V.   Frighten dedicant, getting rid of externals. What
remains is taken care of (6)

W.   Disturbed, he shot newsdealer, removed stereos,
and produced speed regulator (4-5)

X.   Tenderhearted dared take off and, recomposed, develop
communication system for computers (8)

Y.   Aims he at hedonism, at heart? Put away sword. (8)

Z.   Owner vying for elimination of extremes becomes
excitable (5)

AA.   Mother, losing head, is different (5)

AB.   Source sounds psychologically healthy (8)

AC.   Demonstrated, in an old-fashioned way, we got into
shed (6)

AD.   "_ _ _ _ Divine ideas below" (8,5,3,4) Emerson,
The Poet

AE.   Mullah`s pronunciamento makes Father-in-law change
after removing liner (6)

AF.   Pleasure-dome order giver (5,4)

AG.   "_ _ _ _ _ tone, every century but this and every
country but his own" (5,3,7,2,12) W.S.Gilbert, The Mikado

AH.   Ethel, upset, drank to forget (5)

AI.   Uncover, ordain genius of gloomy Dean of St Paul`s

AJ.   At heart Emma then singularly concentrated on the
Queen of the Sciences, American style (4)

AK.   Hairdo art disturbed joint (9)

AL.   Let ten change places to irritate (6)

AM.   "_ _ _ as the grave" (8,2,5) Song of Solomon viii

AN.   Physical weakness, as then I argued initially (8)

AO.   There dhoti hides, brand new. (3-3)

AP.   Overturned, careworn, foreshortened, curtailed,
in debt (3)