The fundamental choice......

by Martyn Crosby CLICK HERE FIRST

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A.   Justice of the Peace Heath reformed son of Noah (7)

B.   Evil´s about in Graceland (5)

C.   Deposit on redesigned, initially unfortunate, aluminum
Villa (8)

D.   Prehistoric tool in hotel disturbance (7)

E.   Usurp royal position when river surrounds disturbed
cardinal point (8)

F.   The Spanish even then partially dropped out of the
first ten (8)

G.   Easing the burden sounds like atmospheric discharge

H.   Propel Saul around to satisfy any need (3-7)

I.   Planned financial commitment to shift Edward (8)

J.   Editor revision disturbed the peace (6)

K.   Written out of history in 1984 (8)

L.   Sailor many upset about disturbing chats (9)

M.   Swap deriving out of Roman transformation (8)

N.   Extra Sensory Perception invades rite and gets a
break (7)

O.   He reverses, around jail turbulence, whose name
signifies "My God is Jehovah" (6)

P.   Particle electrically charged after collection
of liquid applied to the skin (6)

Q.   To promote fill with optimism, even curtailed at
heart (7)

R.   View article and rage (6)

S.   Stimulant offered endlessly in Church of England (6)

T.   Attach adapted pen pad (6)

U.   Ring around returning too implanted (7)

V.   Peep at it, upset, and get hungry (8)

W.   Poultry house in rococo opera (4)

X.   Lake in Utah oenophiles (5)

Y.   Three cardinal points wash and bring into servitude

Z.   Regret about upset tine at heart for entourage (7)

AA.   Perpetuate without Pat around a muse (7)

AB.   Patchy removal from psychopathia in Bulgaria (6)