Reductio ad absurdum..........

by Martyn Crosby

"   `     ! "  
  .   " `   ? "  
  .   "     :  
  " .     ~
.   " `      
, "     :   "   `  
"   "       ~   `
      , "  
    .   "      
      - -      
.   ,     `  
. "                                    

A.   They`d a rectally disturbed DHL delivery long prohibited

B.   He ends, see, shortened New Testament; it`s obvious!

C.   We do change dwelling for Jeeves` creator (9)

D.   Outback in my spite I confused with impulsiveness

E.   Observes the Bishops` seats (4)

F.   Led away from disrupted accolade to produce raw
material for food industry (5)

G.   I map decade about Field Officer`s administrative
assistant (4,2,4)

H.   Concerning donkeys, their French again evaluates
for tax purposes (10)

I.   Ray hid, transforming Saudi capital (6)

J.   Egos as distorted lived in Missouri (6)

K.   Tile disturbed about it, Georgia, subject to legal
process (8)

L.   When with B, I learn about Mycenaean writing (6)

M.   Static magi disturbed to have blurred vision (10)

N.   Alcohol replaces chopped up dull quiches in mid-day
breaks (6,7)

O.   Merchant`s partner pale yellow (5)

P.   Bay in Mexico vexing (4)

Q.   I haunt a sea turbulently, advancing death (10)

R.   Disorientated, against removing cardinal points
south of the tundra (5)

S.   Earl upset after his initial quintessential beginning
figures in Commedia del Arte (9)

T.   Vet inner turbulence (but don`t do it to the wheel!)

Youth, to a few riotously off the beaten track (3,2,3,3)

V.   Eliot`s guest upsets divine nut (9)

W.   Composer he wrings out (8)

X.   Ate sushi, breaks up, and pauses (8)

Estate ebbs, but I develop lives in laboratory (4,4,6)

Z.   The Cuban hides Cassandra`s mother (reportedly a
matter of indifference to Hamlet`s first player ) (6)

AA.   I hamper redistribution for founder of one of the
twelve tribes of Israel (7)

AB.   Leyden, with both graphic axes, is shaken, nevertheless
possessing acute vision (4-4)

AC.   He sends off and corrects unplanned quality (13)

AD.   Ma howls about I equalling E over R (4,3)

AE.   Wake pianist, discovering French headgear (4)

AF.   Ascertain origin nifty die about (8)

AG.   Fellow being eight curtailed in born disturbance (8)

AH.   Runaway Hungarian envelopes article, changing nationality

AI.   Law by a gay reformed location for sunset observation
in Ireland (6,3)

AJ.   Liberal Party leapt away, disturbing book collection

AK.   Toby and I reform defense mechanism (8)

AL.   Removing iced merchandise upsets trustbuster (7)

AM.   Wish on a star, discovering Zimbabwe tribe (5)