Sex education and the upper classes

by Martyn Crosby CLICK HERE FIRST

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A.   Authoritarians` strategy of God: opt to change Welsh
spoof on Dublin childhood (8,2,3,6,2,1,6,3)

B.   Mischievous flies about Planck`s constant (6)

C.   My, the wild herb! (5)

D.   Henceforward tossed salad for admitting King (6,3,9)

E.   Wildly outlandish till cut out, row about touring
performers` presentation (4,4)

F.   Chewing up bone hungrily is not friendly to those
around (12)

G.   Obscene stupid fellow in scary extremities (6)

H.   "So let it be when I grow old, Or let me die. _
_ _ _ _ _ _" (3,5,2,6,2,3,3) Wordsworth

I.   Hesitantly removing hat and mixing well is a la
mode (2,4)

Hetty Brown`s thorn disturbed Hitchcock film (5,2,5-4)

K.   Regularly erupted when flu hit Adolf badly. (3,8)

L.   Tone of convinced foe altered collective expression
of lack of trust (4,2,2,10)

M.   Matto Grosso wet outback as hiding place sor South
African township (6)

N.   Bovines 100 sow badly (4)

O.   Center Bishop blue about Bible I leave for onomatopoeic
uproar (6-6)

P.   UFO unit demurral upsets Dickens` character (3,6,6)

Q.   Won`t foreshorten upset faithhealer`s removed tiara
in state of disuse (2,3,5)

R.   Broadcaster Joyce, who hard law disturbed (4,3,3)

S.   Undermine courage and retreat about hastier confusion

T.   Wildly mix a usable undiscriminating gender (10)

U.   Beauty-contest out of lagoon. Do change, you`re
wasting your time! (3,4,3,5,3,2,1,5)

V.   Eucharist features secants varying around plunger

W.   Chart mends fur, upsetting continental condiment

X.   Tone loudly employed declined (7)

Y.   Reform world I own, i.e. bay (5,6)

Z.   Met up about dull pain, discovering knife (7)

AA.   Topmast support returns French iron in late change
of variable increment (12)

AB.   In uncontrolled need, flagman loses nag and gets
passionately aroused (8)

AC.   Main antithesis reconstitutes allergy alleviators

AD.   Altruists shine about prickly plant (7,7)

AE.   I am recovering fee, Canon, in unruly fashion, for
affiliation arranged for economic benefit (8,2,11)

AF.   Dementedly, I fax about several related generations