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by Martyn Crosby CLICK HERE FIRST

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A.   Clap aforementioned film, land hereabout, and record
degredation of civilization (7,3,4,2,3,5,6)

B.   Yeo hushes you up about Old English bingo (6-6)

C.   Reorganize yet unloosen cartoon music (6,5)

D.   Lack of temporal concurrence when treeless cherrystone
replanted in any surroundings (10)

E.   Wend around, obtain by great effort hebdomadal break

F.   Only vary a reorganized maritime force (5,4)

G.   Curtailed, enter about ten to obtain international
understanding (7)

H.   Piano hymn Ma transcribed, having excessive desire

I.   Enoch, wild Jewish priest (5)

J.   Mistakenly upset one more (without me) surely! (11)

K.   Otranto wheedles, hiding ground robin (6)

L.   Turn over crankcase, hire gay early London taxis

M.   Excite, turn then use (7)

N.   Source of embarrassment if lantern refit be reorganized

O.   Nobody in Torino, onerously (2-3)

P.   Anchorage aft will turn monumental oriental masonry

Q.   Bright color confused duel hour when rook disappeared

R.   Impossibility to recover may irritate by virile
modification (16)

S.   English owners hide presentation (4)

T.   Theaters rely upon London`s medical establishment

A joy forever reconstructed of a naught bite (1,5,2,6)

V.   Row about turbulent Eden and provide income again (7)

W.   Why waive cry? He turned in all directions (5,5,3)

X.   Attractiveness enhanced, we set need out (9)

Lesson learnt, twobit Cheyenne`s tic irritated (4,6,5,3)

Z.   Spoons disappearing, wild outspokenness produces
ivory toggle (7)

AA.   As if between revolutions, liberality torn up (14)

AB.   So contested about oil sources (11)

AC.   Cosmologist unit he reformed, being student of non-native
harmonics (17)