Don`t oil it!

by Phelps Gates


A.   1933 Chicago Exposition (3 wds)

B.   Columbine`s lover; lozenge pattern

C.   with hands on hips

D.   first three words of a popular round

E.   cracks down (3 wds, colloq.)

F.   Icelandic text

G.   23

H.   New York World`s Fair symbol

I.   1925 Lewis novel

J.   Norman Mailer novel (4 wds, after "The")

K.   British textile magnate

L.   he knows (2 wds)

M.   producer of hundreds of MGM films (1899-1936; 2 wds)

N.   picture

O.   whinnied

P.   unclad

Q.   swelling

R.   long-running CBS soap opera, debuted 1933 (4 wds
after "The")

S.   Christmas song introduced by Eddie Cantor in 1934
(6 wds)

T.   scared by (2 wds)

U.   obelisk

V.   strangle

W.   worn out, seedy

X.   Abraham`s home town (4 wds)

Y.   overwhelmed (2 wds)