Time to leave?

by Phelps Gates


A.   Saul`s cousin (1 Samuel 17:55); name supposedly
popular among rural folks

B.   communications device, now used mostly by hospitals
or restaurants

C.   1962 film based on a TV drama (4 wds)

D.   24 hours a day (3 wds)

E.   Swiss franc, for example (2 wds)

F.   cannibalism

G.   a companion of Frodo in The Fellowship of the Ring

H.   wine sediment

I.   like Adar Aleph

J.   home of the Patriots (2 wds)

K.   apt to say "You kids get off my lawn!"

L.   site of the first Lincoln-Douglas debate (2 wds)

M.   derogatory term for a feminist

N.   Daniel Inouye, for example

O.   Dublin`s river

P.   candidate for padding (2 wds)

Q.   what nobody expects (according to Monty Python;
3 wds)

R.   Life on the Mississippi is said to be the first
manuscript submitted like this

S.   striking element of John L. Lewis`s physiognomy

T.   "message received"

U.   chewy candy typically made from brown sugar

V.   Tanakh (2 wds)

W.   Republican in the South

X.   John Brown activity in May 1856 (2 wds)

Y.   what a politician becomes if he lives long enough
for his faults to be forgotten (2 wds)

Z.   subject of the Twelfth Amendment (2 wds)

AA.   eponymous vessel for a class of battleships