Like a sore thumb

by Phelps Gates


A.   Nisan and Ramadan, for example

B.   Harry Truman`s occupation from 1919 to 1921

C.   some tenured academicians (2 wds)

D.   in a carefree way

E.   idlers

F.   considering humankind as the most important element
of existence

G.   artificial leather trademarked in 1936

H.   operator portrayed by Lily Tomlin ("one ringy-dingy")

I.   "ax" instead of "ask"

J.   Alvin or Trieste

K.   liniment first marketed in 1903 (2 wds)

L.   hasty

M.   rowdy physical play

N.   was painful

O.   window frame

P.   fragment

Q.   cut (e.g., hay)

R.   a plant growing on another plant

S.   historically, the "six counties" (2 wds)

T.   character voiced by Seth MacFarlane in a 2012 film