Play it again (or don`t)

by Phelps Gates


A.   out of practice

B.   done at random, without careful judgment

C.   reminiscent of the Divine Comedy

D.   tropical shrub with bright flowers

E.   Institute at Big Sur

F.   Israelite divinity

G.   canopies

H.   Brando in On the Waterfront

I.   Beatles song from the Let It Be album (4 wds)

J.   diminutive hero of two films, voiced by Phillip

K.   off the cuff

L.   surpass in foolish talk

M.   rather plump

N.   order of fungi named for their destructive effect
on insects

O.   mouthwatering

P.   impermeable

Q.   indigenous

R.   recess in the edge of a piece of wood

S.   Wallis Simpson, eventually

T.   serf

U.   1938 Ronald Colman biopic (4 wds)

V.   educate