Economics Lesson

by Roy Goodman


A.   soup

B.   modern choreographer Josea

C.   dubious

D.   shade of meaning

E.   amateur

F.   prominent

G.   single-minded

H.   depended (upon)

I.   hope

J.   the riff-raff

K.   remove jauntily

L.   moonshine, or a hut where you might drink it

M.   functioning, or functioning well

N.   like a marigold

O.   eccentric

P.   lathered

Q.   imagine

R.   bird of prey

S.   a hanging decoration

T.   like things worn by answer J

U.   altitude

V.   jurisdiction of a nobleman

W.   collection of pus

X.   a small wave

Y.   schoolyard snitch

Z.   burn with hot water