The face is familiar

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Pirate`s take

B.   Irish adjective

C.   Self-defining word

D.   Civil war side

E.   Wabbit hunter

F.   Former subway need

G.   Dick or Spencer

H.   Peal

I.   Crumble

J.   Corned beef sandwich

K.   Toccata`s companion

L.   Swollen

M.   Place for V

N.   Time of your life

O.   Spanish fleet

P.   Leader in Winter Olympic medals

Q.   Overshadow

R.   Place for thread

S.   Kind of soul

T.   Expression of dismay (2 wds.)

U.   Bring home the bacon

V.   Twiggy, e. g.

W.   What not to run on