Job security

by Roger Gabrielson

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A.   Formerly ubiquitous office machine

B.   Makes useful

C.   Adhering to tradition

D.   Oxford university

E.   Sum

F.   Years celebrated by a platinum wedding anniversary

G.   Home of el Museo de la RevoluciĆ³n (2)

H.   Copper mine or snake

I.   Not by design

J.   High-priced spice

K.   Start of a Holmesian explanation

L.   Snoop, e. g.

M.   Small stool or cabinet

N.   Volatile area (2)

O.   Like a poor fielder (2)

P.   Source of the musical question "Scaramouche, Scaramouche,
will you do the fandango?" (2)

Q.   "U. S. Air Force" start (8)

R.   Evelyn Glennie or Bobby Hutcherson, at times

S.   Beverage whose Long Island version contains gin,
rum, vodka and tequila (2)

T.   Like some doubts or backaches

U.   Honor bestowed upon Martin Luther King Jr. for "Why
I Oppose the War in Vietnam"

V.   Some wheelmakers` mouthpieces

W.   Place for a diva (2)

X.   Drawing device since 1960 (3)

Y.   Way of keeping it in the family

Z.   Ease