Friends with benefits

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Certain prolate spheroids

B.   Prepares leftovers

C.   What there`ll be tonight, in a 19th-century song (7)

D.   Certain soup ingredients (2)

E.   Food named by New Zealanders

F.   Brooklyn canal

G.   Where a man who sailed to sea lived, in song (7)

H.   Appear rabid (4)

I.   London broil (2)

J.   Just coming into view (3)

K.   Peter Weller title role

L.   Lowers in status or dignity

M.   Proven, like recipes or methods

N.   19th-century song adopted as state song of Kansas
in 1947 (4)

O.   Group whose mission is to inculcate the principles
of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity (2)

P.   With "The," 1950s BBC radio series featuring Peter
Sellers (2)

Q.   Element used in psychopharmacology

R.   Site of a bridge in an Ambrose Bierce story (2)

S.   Ionesco play

T.   19th century New England sailing ship; Joe DiMaggio

U.   Architectural style featured in a Grant Wood painting

V.   In the event of the least favorable outcome (2)

W.   2004 comedy with DeNiro, Hoffman, Stiller and Streisand

X.   James Stewart role in "Harvey" (3)