Well, they heard they were called "Blockbusters"

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Possible result of a hung jury

B.   Be a perfect example of

C.   Unlike the Windsors

D.   1923 Huxley novel named for an ancient dance (2)

E.   Israeli-born violinist (2)

F.   Bomb thrower, perhaps

G.   Courage, colloquially

H.   Synthetic fluoropolymer associated with Reagan`s

I.   Singing whale

J.   Gung-ho

K.   Start of a famous American address (6)

L.   Time of day

M.   Home of Bearcats and Bengals (2)

N.   Poison study

O.   Poppycock (3)

P.   Like a sporting event that cannot be bet on (3)

Q.   Back of a hit single on vinyl (2)

R.   Gorky work (2, with "The")

S.   Acting as an obstacle (3)

T.   Device introduced in 1952 as "the greatest health
protection in cigarette history" (2)

U.   10-year-old 10th-century monarch (3)