Not seeing the point

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Occasionally tempestuous places

B.   In good shape

C.   Wifely

D.   Bring back together

E.   In the middle of

F.   Measure of disorder

G.   Violent state

H.   Pedantic

I.   Act of bringing together

J.   Medieval science

K.   Proverbially atheist-free zone

L.   Told

M.   Early years for some

N.   Blooper source

O.   Aide

P.   Verisimilitude

Q.   Like some cheeks

R.   Implacable foe

S.   U-238, e.g.

T.   Talkathon

U.   Flossing, bathing, etc.

V.   Most delicious

W.   Aid to some record breakers