Without undue reflection

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Like milk with curds removed

B.   More exclusive

C.   Picture on the net

D.   1882 work beginning "Tripping hither, tripping thither,
nobody knows why or whither"

E.   Asymmetrical

F.   Some ammunition

G.   Level condition

H.   1887 work beginning "Fair is Rose as bright May
day, soft is Rose as the warm west wind"

I.   "Dirty" decade

J.   Prematurely (2)

K.   Speed

L.   Queen of detective fiction

M.   "Shropshire Lad" author

N.   Not see-through

O.   Experienced

P.   Composer of D, H and T

Q.   Print using raised letters

R.   Sources of feather duster material

S.   Blooms

T.   1881 work beginning "Twenty lovesick maidens we,
lovesick all against our will"

U.   Doorway; fascinate

V.   Renowned

W.   Picture puzzles

X.   Epithet for quiz show contestant in 2008 film