Stoically facing the rack

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   With extreme ardor

B.   Climber`s staff

C.   Dishonorable folk

D.   Maze

E.   Message displayed aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln
on May 1, 2003 (2)

F.   Discordant

G.   Servant at a royal banquet

H.   Amelia Earhart or Beryl Markham

I.   Proverbial result of a hasty act

J.   Depravity

K.   Beloved one

L.   Process of becoming more upscale

M.   Song said to have been inspired by a drawing by
Julian Lennon (6)

N.   Lobby or foyer

O.   What the heroine of a 19th-century novel went through

P.   1946 film about returning WW II veterans (6)

Q.   1863 Executive Order (2)

R.   Intestinal parasite

S.   How preoccupied professors behave

T.   Unlucky day, sometimes

U.   Purpose of some shots