Acceptance speech

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Like a casual inspection

B.   Kinships

C.   European state consisting of four countries (2)

D.   Non-clergical members of a sect

E.   Disown

F.   Tree introduced to California from Australia

G.   Lack of interest

H.   Salubrious

I.   End of some rounds (2)

J.   Capital of Normandy

K.   Behind-the-scenes workers for professional sports
teams (2)

L.   Be shrewder than

M.   Insalubrious

N.   Conference, slangily

O.   Uneven

P.   Those who tell what they saw

Q.   Dance involving putting one`s hands and feet in
and out (2)

R.   Rambunctious

S.   Battled harder than

T.   Suffering from indigestion