The root of all evil

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Sometimes secure activity

B.   Sometimes secure place

C.   Avoid

D.   Some armies` function

E.   Like some days

F.   Walled in

G.   Gave approval

H.   Like some pliers (hyph.)

I.   American Film Insitute`s choice for number-one song
from American cinema (3)

J.   Organization whose "Members shall refrain in their
international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state" (2)

K.   Boat race

L.   Song beginning "There`s somethin` happenin` here,
what it is ain`t exactly clear" (4)

M.   Woodwinds

N.   Storybook beginning (4)

O.   Anchor`s place

P.   Of coughs

Q.   Some disgruntled employees

R.   Like some missions or liars

S.   Item with which some things are taken (3)

T.   BBC1 or 2 (2)

U.   Most polluted