And they all live happily ever after

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Rapid increase (2)

B.   Very long time

C.   Immaterial or irrelevant

D.   One straddling a line (2)

E.   Prostrates oneself

F.   How some words get in

G.   Qualify to be a wet nurse

H.   Decree of Carter`s second day of presidency

I.   Most deviant

J.   Nadya Suleman, in 2009 headlines

K.   One without seniority

L.   One ostensibly in charge

M.   Items once worth considerably less than dollars

N.   Unconditional

O.   Gab

P.   Hot drinks

Q.   What Roosevelt busted

R.   Pleasure seeker

S.   Restraint

T.   Most fashionable

U.   Food the USDA unsuccessully proposed classifying
as a vegetable in 1981

V.   Excessively

W.   Less credible

X.   Part of the Bill of Rights

Y.   Asian capital (2)

Z.   Canonize

AA.   Very friendly encounter

AB.   Brooklyn Dodgers owner from 1902 to 1925

AC.   Some grassy plains

AD.   Conservatory

AE.   Unpleasant quality

AF.   Mickey Rooney and others in AG

AG.   1974 documentary (2)