Exit strategy

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   The author`s onetime unofficial title (2)

B.   Rickles specialty (2)

C.   Technicality used to evade punishment

D.   Number of bars in most pop standards (hyph.)

E.   Waterproof fabric used to protect furniture

F.   Westchester County`s "Queen City of Long Island
Sound" (2)

G.   Movie whose title character intoduced the phrase
"I don`t mean to be didactic or facetious" (3)

H.   On cloud nine

I.   "Your marriage is in trouble if your wife says,
`You`re only interested in one thing` and you can`t _______" - the author (4)

J.   Archibald (later Cary) or Robin

K.   Umpire pushed too far

L.   Peter Frampton song beginning "I wonder how you`re
feeling, there`s ringing in my ears and no one to relate to `cept the sea" (4)

M.   "I know why Superman left Krypton. Earth was the
only _________" - the author (5)

N.   Soul singer Lou

O.   Desperately, or very badly (4)

P.   Philippe Pétain`s realm (2)

Q.   "What is this, an audience or _______?" - the author

R.   "We owe a lot to Thomas Edison - if it wasn`t for
him, we`d be watching ________" - the author (3)

S.   Over-the-head winter gear

T.   "_______, a man who has brought a new meaning to
the word `Valium`" - the author, at a celebrity roast (2)

U.   Privy

V.   Dumplings used in kosher cuisine

W.   Stage name of Reginald Dwight (2)

X.   Former seafood vendor

Y.   1979 Cheap Trick hit (6)

Z.   Constellation known as "the wolf"

AA.   Tennessee singer (2)