What goes around comes around

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Weaken

B.   In charge (3)

C.   Cunning little opera character

D.   Robert Taylor-Elizabeth Taylor film

E.   Robert Taylor`s co-star in "The Last Hunt"

F.   In a sociable manner

G.   Given a second life

H.   1931 Harry Warren song or 1967 Temptations song (3)

I.   Very low floor

J.   James Gandolfini role (2)

K.   R. Crumb`s Mr. Natural, "The Man From ______"

L.   Apathetic

M.   Dallas suburb called The Gingerbread City

N.   Not working (3)

O.   Vegetable stew; 2007 animated film

P.   General MacArthur nickname (2)

Q.   Term sometimes used for a woman supporting passage
of the 19th Amendment

R.   Creedence Clearwater Revival song or Nick Nolte
film (4)

S.   Most unctuous

T.   Official state mammal of Arizona

U.   Cause to have less of a jolt

V.   Residue from mining or smelting (2)

W.   Little Itch`s mother, in "Little Lulu" (2)

X.   Film for which Ellia Kazan, Marlon Brando, and Eva
Marie Saint won Oscars (3)

Y.   Insubordinate

Z.   Making a contribution

AA.   Cholesterol-lowering drug