Transportation security administrators

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Noodle dish (that I just made up) named in honor
of NFL wide receiver Randy (4)

B.   Unusual

C.   Emission of ionizing particles from an unstable
atomic nucleus

D.   Clergypersons

E.   Syntax and semantics expert

F.   Opus in clue G or Q (2)

G.   TV personality who played the owner of "The Glass
Bottom Boat" (2)

H.   World of dining-and-dancing venues

I.   Warning: "I ________ if I were you" (3)

J.   In the manner of a function whose rate of growth
increases as its value increases

K.   Conditions causing reactions to certain stimuli

L.   American woodcocks

M.   Government bureau offering relief (2)

N.   Dad`s favorite child (4)

O.   Holder of the National League record for highest
career batting average (2)

P.   Events the day after some rainouts

Q.   Warren Beatty remake of "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" (3)

R.   Montgomery university (2)