Giving At Its Best

by Roland Foster


A.   Interfering

B.   "______ Broadway" (2 words)

C.   Small remaining part

D.   Occasionally visible, doubly reflected sunlight

E.   Timid

F.   First capital of answer P (2 words)

G.   Total (2 words)

H.   Nationally syndicated political columnist

I.   Study of the nature of reality

J.   Get rid of

K.   One member of answer P (2 words)

L.   Floating soap

M.   Stereotypical name for a horse

N.   Descriptive, perhaps pejorative, word or phrase

O.   Stressing a normally weak beat

P.   Nation that existed from 1861 to 1865 (4 words)

Q.   Seagull portrayed by Red Skelton

R.   German expressway

S.   Second and last capital of answer P (2 words)

T.   Engrossed

U.   Woolen fabric

V.   European Jewish dialect

W.   Another member of answer P (2 words)

X.   Pleasing and harmonious sounds

Y.   Working here and there

Z.   Teutonic barbarian

AA.   1941 poem by a 19-year-old pilot (2 words)

AB.   The _____ Years` War

AC.   Work, but not seriously

AD.   Impartial

AE.   Digestive diseases specialist

AF.   Restore missing water to

AG.   At a previous time

AH.   Trade name for anti-knock gasoline additive

AI.   Guarantee for a debt