Third Stanza

by Roland Foster


A.   British abdicator

B.   Alabama`s "Peanut Capital of the World"

C.   University of Florida partisan

D.   Flooded

E.   Grapevine item

F.   Saddle strap

G.   Czar`s edict

H.   Fifth element

I.   Fulton or Martin

J.   Beat

K.   Second deepest US lake

L.   Boys of fiction

M.   Gift

N.   Weak chirp

O.   Four-bagger

P.   Deduce

Q.   Minor prophet

R.   Units of mass

S.   Motor part

T.   Uris novel filmed by Hitchcock

U.   Anchor locale

V.   Famous owner of the Angels

W.   Fraction killed by decimation

X.   1965 Hailey novel

Y.   Ease off

Z.   Pledged

AA.   Distinguishing character

AB.   Mogul empire governor (var.)

AC.   Lunar highlands crater

AD.   Swim

AE.   Terminated

AF.   Psalm 89 author

AG.   Tend

AH.   Farm equipment maker

AI.   Different

AJ.   The world`s only Hindu kingdom

AK.   Sign up

AL.   Item used by conductors and drill instructors

AM.   Hard, dark wood

AN.   Trust

AO.   Frequently

AP.   Laundry word

AQ.   Jewish holy garment